Most parents love their children dearly. They will do anything to make them feel safe. As a result of this love, parents have the responsibility to help their children do what’s right. Without proper guidance, many kids find themselves in trouble. Many times, excellent parenting skills are overlooked, and instead, many think discipline is the answer. But what if our kids were raised with the proper structure in the first place and didn’t need additional disciplinary action? It’s definitely something to think about as we continue through this article on appropriate discipline for your children.
Today, children spend too much time in front of the television, gaming consoles, and their mobile devices. Limiting the time spent on computers, and monitoring the chatrooms they visit will help ensure that your child is engaging with material that supports your disciplinary efforts.
Types of Discipline
Discipline is derived from the Latin word “discipulus,” meaning teacher or disciple. It is best learned when parents share the same values, and can teach the child under the same roof, how to be good, and mind their manners. Children that grow up in the same household as both mom and dad will adjust to these rules more naturally.
Good Discipline for Kids
The first step in good discipline for kids begins before a child is born. Having your baby monitored by a physician while in the womb is a great start. Childhood disorders, such as hypertension and diabetes, can cause even more grave problems for a child as an adult. By three years old, a child should be able to express their feelings to the degree that lets parents know whether the child needs discipline or not.
Discipline should be given as a consequence of disobedient actions. Learning should be good, fun, and positive, not perceived as punishments. Discipline is for correction and not for punishment. Punishment can be draining to a parent and a child. Try your best to educate while disciplining, instead of doing it while angry. Discipline is essential; pain and stress should not be considered as positive results, because they deter or hamper good behavior. Make sure that your reasons for disciplining your child are clear and proper expectations are set.
One of the most important reasons for positive discipline is to help children learn from the consequences of negative behavior. Others will not be so cautious and therefore become more tolerant of negative behavior. This will lead to having more acceptable behavior and daily interactions between you and your child.
Every day of our lives is full of both positive and negative experiences. Positive experiences are more pleasant and less stressful. The more intense and negative an experience is, the more painful it can be. If it continues, the situation will undoubtedly become worse.
Proper Discipline for Kids
Proper discipline for kids begins with a parent and a child learning what is right and wrong. Verbally condemn bad actions and reward positive ones. The child should feel motivated and know what they are doing is going to be better for them. It is important for the child to know they are doing a good job. Let them know that they are not going to receive anything extra for good behavior.
One way that parents can stop child temper tantrums is by giving the child more attention. Often, a child becomes disruptive when they lack attention in the home. The child needs to know they are noticed. It is the parent’s role to provide positive care to the child. When the child does something right, make eye contact. Place your hand on the work or craft in front of the child. Make eye contact and offer praise when the child does something right.
Of course, the punishment of a child should not be a part of the child’s discipline. Punishment should be reserved for correction. Discipline should be about teaching good behavior. Child discipline skills are critical to the overall success of children. When done correctly, child discipline can teach good behavior.