We know everyone’s complaining about the situation, about having to stay home. And we know it’s difficult. Really difficult. You get tired of each other, bored, your kids need entertainment and you’re just spiraling out of ideas. We get it.
But we think it’s important to focus on seeing the silver lining, as with anything else in life. We like to focus on the fact that, for example, this is an amazing opportunity for you to spend more time with the family and do some stuff together.
Table of Contents
Arts & Crafts
We love arts and crafts, mainly because it’s such a varied thing to do. There is so much diversity and so much opportunity here. You can do something with printables or colored papers, for example. Or you can go all out, use beads and cool materials. It’s really something that everyone can enjoy, we feel.
You can create monsters or friendship bracelets with your little ones. A cool thing to do, since you’re stuck inside, is to try to decorate your home. Make garlands or pictures.
Speaking Of Pictures, Coloring Day!
One of our favorite all-time activities is to print out some coloring pages and get creative. Again, it’s an activity that encourages self-expression, is fun and easy to do. Not to mention it’s really relaxing, so obviously, really good in the present situation.
Also, colored pages double as great decoration for the home.
How About A Science Experiment?
Everyone’s talking about homeschooling these days, and a thing we love doing is amateur science. You know, making a bit of colored goo, or seeing what happens when you mix baking soda and Coke or soaking an egg in vinegar. There are all sorts of interesting experiments out there, and our favorite part about this is that you need very little equipment.
You ca find experiments to do with stuff you already have in your home, so this is a great way to learn and have fun at home.
We’re not trying to plug any brand, but chances are you’ve got some Lego lying around the house. A lot of people do, and it can be really fun to build something together – a city, a castle, whatever you feel like.
Let Them Teach You Video Games.
If your kid is obsessed with video games (and let’s face it, most of them are), let them teach you. You have the time, so why not spend it together, with them showing you how to do Minecraft or whatever.
I know a lot of parents who are scared of this or who harbor a fear they won’t do well in these modern video games. Some who just think they’re silly.
But hey, since your child cares so much about them, why not have a look? It can be an excellent chance for you to grow and connect.