Learning involves any change that arises under the influence of an experience. It forms traces in the brain that become part of the personality experience.
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This allows us to apply it scientifically in different life situations. Learning refers to the acquisition of knowledge and information, skills, abilities and habits. Adopting school materials often requires time, effort and persistence. However, if it is learned actively (which implies that a student becomes a constructor of his / her own knowledge), as well as with a clearly defined goal, then the satisfaction comes after the results achieved. Successful satisfaction is a motivating factor for further progress.
For successful learning it is necessary to have:
1. Work habits – prevents the accumulation of materials that, if accumulated, seem insurmountable
2. Motivation – i.e. the intention to learn something that facilitates the learning process and makes it quality.
Success is considered a learning that does not take too much time – the time spent on the book is used rationally (there is no wandering of thoughts). Then, an important factor of successful learning is the understanding of the material, which enables us to learn less mechanically. From this comes the third line, that is, learned from the short-term goes into long-term memory.
Learning problems are most often a consequence of:
– Non-compliance with methods and techniques of adequate learning, and invests a lot of time in learning that does not produce results;
– Lack of motivation and goals for which achieving regular learning is necessary;
– Poor concentrations and inability to focus attention on the material, which may be due to: the way of life (poor nutrition, lack of sleep, lack of organization and structure of the time), preoccupation with different life circumstances (divorced parents, termination of a relationship, death of a close person, financial instability), poor general physical or mental condition, existence of attention deficit.
The most common learning problems are:
1. Continuous delay of the beginning of learning – motivation exists for all other activities except for learning.
2. Campaign (irregular) learning – the material is crowding because at first it seems that there is enough time to get everything done. However, when the moment comes to learn, there is too little time for everything to be successful.
3. Abandonment from learning – the material at first glance operates irremovably, and it also abandons its attempts to understand it and adopt it.
4. Examination anxiety – preoccupation with possible negative outcomes that is dysfunctional and actually significantly impedes the learning process, as opposed to a constructive, motivating motivation.
5. Unorganized – there is no division of materials or a learning plan, no time for learning and time for free activities is defined.
6. Misunderstanding – as a result of not listening or absent from the lecture, and the lack of explanation of what remained unclear.
7. Passive reading of the text without repetition and delusion.