The market for props and accessories for kid’s birthday party has always been a very vibrant space with colorful ribbons, balloons and other decorative items. However, the only gap if at all it was there; was in the section of table wares. Though the market was infested with beautiful wall decorative, there was not much in the offing when it came to disposable paper plates, cups and glasses. And then there was a twist in the tale.
When the popular kid’s characters such as the Disney Princes, Barbie, Spiderman, Doremon and many more transcended from the television screen into the retail markets, they did not keep themselves confined only to the wall decorative. Rather, they showed up sumptuously in the tableware as well as in the giveaway packages as well. And since then finding an appropriate table ware for your kid’s birthday party is not a challenging task anymore.
A Word or Two About The Trade Facts
Silver plates were innovated to make the disposables spill proof. They sport a layer of plastic lining in silver color that gives it a look of steel plates and also helps prevent spillage and leakage when some gravy is served in them. Later, the same silver plates were upgraded into beautifully printed and coated paper plates. Now, they come in different color and texture that aptly compliment the ambience and mood of the party.
India is one of the world leaders in disposable table wares in the world. All the more, with the burgeoning food service industry, India’s share in the disposable table ware industry is only to rise. The range of disposables varies right from the ordinary ones to the fanciest and environment friendly variants. The silver plate exporters in Punjab, UP, Haryana and many other states of India are contributing substantially to add value to this booming industry. India ranks among the first five manufacturers and exporters of disposable table wares in the world. Disposable products supplier in India has lucrative business prospect in the domestic as well as in the international market.
Coming Back to the Kid’s World…
Nothing can bring those sparks in their eyes and the million dollar smile on their face other than their favorite cartoon characters. They want to see them everywhere. Right from the time they open their eyes till the time they retire to bed at night. In such a situation, when their birthday party carries the theme of their favorite cartoon character, it is exhilarating for them beyond imagination.
All the cartoon characters be it the Indian brand, Chhota Bheem or Hollywood Super Hero, Captain America, you can find them gracing the tables in the kid’s birthday party all over the world. They come in a wide range of spill proof and leak proof variants with the kid’s favorite cartoon characters printed on them. And the kids’ excitement to see food being served in such plates is wonderful to say the least.
Some Tips to Choose The Perfect Disposable Table Wares for Kid’s Birthday Party
While it is really fun to have such merchandised products in the market, it is also important to pay heed to certain factors that will ensure health as well as fun for your kid as well as the guest. They are:
- Always go for a very good quality disposable table wares.
- Make sure the paper plates are sturdy enough for the kids to hold
- Make sure that the prints on the paper plates are properly coated and are not leaking when brought in contact with moisture
- And preferably opt for biodegradable paper plates that avoid use of any toxic element in the manufacturing process.