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5 Supplements To Ease Symptoms Of The Menopause

5 Supplements To Ease Symptoms

 Adjusting to some of the symptoms of the menopause can be very difficult. Having to deal with hot flushes, bad sleep, poor concentration and feelings of depression and anxiety is challenging, but there are a few supplements which can help to relieve some of these symptoms to help you feel like yourself again. Of course you can access most of these vitamins and minerals through diet alone, yet the easiest option for most people is to take vitamin supplements. This way, you know you will be consuming what you need to hopefully make life a bit easier!

Vitamin B6 – Relieves Hot Flushes

Hot flushes are an uncomfortable and disruptive symptom that come as a result of the menopause. They always seem to come at the very worst time and can bring on feelings of worry and anxiety, as well as contributing to poor sleep. Whilst hot flushes often appear out of nowhere, eating spicy foods, smoking, alcohol and particular items of clothing can trigger them. Luckily, taking vitamin B9 in the form of a vitamin tablet can help to reduce the length and severity of your flushes.

Calcium And Magnesium – Improves Sleep

An unpleasant side effect of the menopause is disrupted sleep. This may be the result of your hot flushes, anxious feelings or hormone imbalances. You are likely to feel tired, making not being able to sleep even more frustrating. Calcium and magnesium can be taken a few hours before bed to help your muscles, and therefore your body, to fully relax. Deficiencies in magnesium and calcium can cause insomnia, so taking calcium and magnesium supplements should play a big role in improving your sleeping pattern.

Magnesium – Improves Low Mood Or Reduces Anxious Feelings

Not only is magnesium beneficial when it comes to sleep, but it can also help with low moods or anxious feelings. Feeling down or worried is completely normal when going through the menopause, but that doesn’t mean you should have to put up with it. Magnesium supplements can help to balance hormones in the body to improve your mood and reduce feelings of anxiety or worry. It can also help to boost low energy levels, giving you the strength you need to go about your day normally.

Zinc – Remedies Trouble Concentrating

Changes in your hormones during the menopause, alongside aging, can make it difficult to concentrate at times. You may simply become a bit more forgetful, or perhaps the issue is impacting your working life significantly. Your brain uses zinc to maintain levels of dopamine, which is needed to ensure we remain focused and our memory remains sharp. Therefore, zinc can help you to sustain focus as it supports the production of dopamine for the brain.


Having to experience your body going through a range of new changes can be stressful and worrying at times. Yet, these supplements may help to relieve the severity of the issues you are being forced to overcome on a daily basis. Get in touch with your GP if you are really struggling to cope as there are many other treatments available to support you. Just know that you aren’t going through this alone!

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